Mar 2, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Joshua!

We had a great time at Joshua's 1st Birthday!

Ethan had fun playing with all the Peralta cousins!

Here are some pics:
It's the middle of February and look how nice it is! Well, in the sun!

"I stuck! I stuck!"

Ethan LOVES, "oons"...looks like he is going to be carried away (and look at the guy on TV, he totally matches the 'oons')...LOL

Poor Ethan, he took a tumble off the slider door when we got home. His poor nose, and of course the scab the days after made him look so sad:


By Marilyn said...

You really captured his feelings in this picture...just look at those eyes!! Poor little guy (nose). Makes ya want to kiss the little boo boo.........