Dec 2, 2008

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree part 1

Rather than moving all these pics, I just left them as I loaded them; look down below for the written portion of this blog.
Steve and Lauren making some Hot Cocoa
Love this pic of the girls walking in the foggy forest
Marilyn and Robin being silly

Brock with a GREAT background

Laurens, Robin and Steve
JUMP ON! I'll just fling you across the field...........uh, no way!

The only Snow...

Ethan and I hanging out in the warm car......

Loading the tress, notice how much bigger the trees are compared to the truck...eck!

Lets just trim another 2 feet off 'em before we load them

White dog and snow = white dog, white dog and mud= DIRTY, HAPPY Dog

Warming up with so yummy food

Our yearly tradition is to go up in the mountains and chop down our tree. We were excited to have Ethan see his first snow (last year, we couldn't make it to the usual spot because the snow was too deep). This year, it was nothing but MUD, no snow :( However, it was still fun!!!! Ethan's many hats kept him warm. The yummy drinks/spaghetti kept us warm as we searched for the PERFECT tree.

Brock cutting down our tree