Ethan is defiantly a thumb sucker, and I am okay with it (thanks to some advice from R. Brown). It's weird how society makes us feel as if thumb sucking is HORRIBLE...I should have learned my lesson from the whole breast feeding issue.
Ethan gets soooooo FRUSTRATED when he is trying to find his right thumb...hehehe...the whole fist (sometimes both) are jammed into his month. I've noticed that as soon as he finds it, he is CONTENT, and today he fell asleep immediately after finding it.
Here is his updated monthly picture:
Here are some other CUTE pics of him in the last week or so...
ETHAN is soooooo CAMERA happy:)
Also, we just got the cutest outfits from both Grandma's...can't wait to get him in them. I have recently (today) became obsessed with CUTE, different clothes....meaning not what you can find at Target, Walmart, etc...I found a baby boutique in downtown Oly that I am hitting up tomorrow. I guess I just want him to stand out from the rest....Also, I am on the lookout for CUTE socks as well. I am open for suggestions for places to shop:) (shhhh, don't tell brock...hehehhehe)
P.S. Watch for pics of Ethan rolling over.....he is so close!!!!! Also, Brock got Ethan to giggle..I still haven't heard it :( :(
awwwwww he is sooooooo darn cute!!!
I have a whole bunch of links to some unique clothing stores for babies. I have never checked out the boys stuff on them tho.
Please ignore the name of the next one has tonsss of stuff.
If you search bunnies by the bay alot of boutique's stores carry those outfits and they are SOOOOOOO cute. Katelynn's lovie is a BBTB and it's the softest cutest thing ever!
ANywho, your son is simply adorable!! I hope we can meet him soon. Katelynn's bday is the 20th of Dec if you guys can make it.
Melinda, Tom and Katelynn Marx
He's so cute! :) And he is getting so big! :)
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