Brock accepted a new job in Tumwater....yipppeeeeeee, no more 45 minute commute! In fact, he works so close that he has started riding a bike to work! He is really enjoying his new job, and being closer to home.
Kaylyne has continued teaching 3rd grade, and is gearing up for SUMMER vacation. The school year has been stressful due to so much emphasis on test scores, Ethan being sick often, and being sick herself.
Ethan has had a GREAT year! His sitter situation is still confusing, but I think that we have found the best of both worlds....He is loving 1 day a week preschool with Mare. He enjoys puzzles, counting, playing guns, and dinosaurs.....TRULY a BOY!!!!! He has taken swim and gymnastics....he can't wait until he is old enough for 'sport' leagues.
Here is the year in pictures (no particular order...sorry):
A local company, Babylegs, was looking for models who can sit on the potty. I sent in a picture of Ethan and he was chosen! It was sooooo much fun to be apart of this:
He has been on their website for almost a year:
Here is Ethan and Lily riding bikes (summer 2010:
Papa helped us with our backyard:
Oh, and they built a sandbox, too!
Here are the Kanooth Kiddos at Ethan's 2nd birthday:
Ethan swinging at his birthday:
Birthday boy:
Lily and Ethan on one our many Letterboxing adventures:
Letterboxing again:
Ethan LOVING his bike:
4th of July:
Riding a steam engine with Lily:
Ethan met my Aunt LuLu (Laura) this summer:
How many kids can fit on the trampoline?:
Playing the Piano with Aunt Judy in Idaho:
Meeting Uncle Jon:
Aunt Paula helping Ethan open a birthday gift:
Ethan with his GGs in Idaho:
Picking strawberries with Mare:
Decorating Christmas cookies:
Merry Christmas:
Carving pumpkins:
Going on a Fall hike with Lily and Joshua:
Snack at preschool:
Fall walk:
Making fall art with Lily:
"THIS pumpkin":
Monster masks with Lily:
Halloween 2010:
Stacy and I have VERY talented kiddos (hoping this will get them a college scholarship):
Santa 2010:
Getting ready for one of the many snow days we had:
Ethan and Lauren:
Riding the Carousal with Dadda and Joshua:
I am sure that I will stumble upon MANY more photos that I will want to share with you! I am very happy to be back "Sharing the Moments" with YOU!