May 16, 2010

Spring Fun Fair

We had a blast with the Peralta clan on Saturday!
The City of Lacey sponsors a fun fair for children. Ethan and Lily had a BLAST!
They saw Fire Trucks, Buses, Ponies, and choo-choos! They LOVED the all the FREE loot....balloons galore, pinwheels. And who could forget all the YUMMY food!
Take a look at our day:

Fun at Papa's and Grandma's house

Here are some pics we took on Mother's day!
Ethan had sooo much FUN playing in the backyard. Oh! And on the BIKE!

May 5, 2010


We had a WONDERFUL family day today. Brock and I both took a day off of work, and spent some quality time with Ethan! It was so nice to have a FULL day to just have fun, with no pressures of errands, work, time, etc.

We went to the Tacoma Dome to Sesame Street Live! We weren't sure how Ethan would react, but he did great! Granted, we left at intermission. But he was entertained by the lights, Elmo, and all the 'babies' around us.
Here is a Family pic:

On the way home, he of course fell asleep:

So we thought! He totally was faking! (fyi, he totally knocked out 2 minutes after these pictures)

Here he is laughing at tricking us: